Gaurang's Thoughts

Oneplus charger doesn't charge the old iPad somehow

I was trying to charge my 2012 iPad using the Oneplus charger but seems like iPad doesn't support it. 

I tried with 2 OnePlus charger and its nada. 

Although randomly it works with the cable. Could be the USB connector issue of the OnePlus charger as when I plug the USB part into other chargers, it starts charging the iPad. 

Interesting case for me. 

To Learn

Learning is beautiful and we all must perpetually learn things which we always wanted to and explore what we don't know that we should learn. 

Some of the things that I want to learn and eventually master are:

  • Learning the art of manual focusing. Developing the eye for that.
  • Learning the eyes for detail - tact focused images. 


Observation: Google Chrome removes Advertisements from webpages on its own

Browsers are getting more focused on optimisations and are finding every single avenues where efficiency can be achieved.

Since I am using Google Ads on my other website, and there are multiple ad blocks, somehow one of the ad block was using too many resources so Chrome removed it on its own. Quite interesting!

About communicating your skills

If you are skilled/ you know things but you aren't able to communicate it, you are no better than someone who's unskilled/ doesn't know it. 

Own it, improve your communications skill.


Thoughts about career

I have observed that firms trust the capabilities of external agencies and resources more than the internal staff. 

Organisations should look inside to discover gem instead of looking out. Is that because of tendency of suffering from shining ball syndrome.


