Gaurang's Thoughts

thoughts about reading

Reading changes a person inside out. Unknowingly so many behavioral changes happen to us, reading good things changes our mood too. All great leaders are readers.

Books to read

The Innovator's Dilemma

How to Create Products Customers Love

Thoughts to live by

  • Never negotiate on how much you can save someone but how much you can help them earn. Earning takes precedence.

Business lessons - Virgin Cola

But the main reason Virgin Cola failed was we didn’t follow our own rules: at Virgin, we only enter industries when we think we can offer consumers something strikingly different, but there wasn’t really an opportunity to do that in the soft drinks sector. n the modern world, there can be no profit without a well-defined purpose.

On writing - Read somewhere

Art of communicating is in writing and not in typing. Writing activates your senses, you can connect with content and characters more than while you type. That’s the secret sauce of thousands of greatest writers who have ever lived. 


