Life Mantras from everywhere

Here is a collection of impactful Life mantras that I am focusing on following - 

  • Luck is of importance, acknowledge it, embrace it. - Alok Kejriwal notes from 2013
  • Get people smarter than you, be with them. - Alok Kejriwal notes from 2013
  • manage CASH well. Do not run out of CASH. - Alok Kejriwal notes from 2013
  • Don't be socially awkward as people would mistakenly think you dislike them which will inturn make them dislike you. - Paul Graham
  • Optimize for your alumni network. Your future success will be driven by people you surround with. These people will force up your game, can be your co-founder, customer, feedback engine, financiers, peer group from whom you can absorb - Be with absolute smartest, most driven people - this will determine your career trajectory, and your eventual outcome more than any other single factor - @Naval
  • Obervation from Airport - Gujaratis have a vibrant confidence and spark. It's impossible to gauge their networth from their attire. Community support brings confidence in them. Marwaris used to have that but now it's lost. - Sandeep Mall
  • Someone with half your IQ making 10X as you because they aren't smart enough to doubt themselves.
  • Health - 15 minutes of morning sunlight (670nm exposure) can make your body effectively use blood glucose (reduces blood glucose level by 27%). 
  • Never be intimidated by anyone. You are stronger than you think and weaker than you imagine. - Alok Kejriwal.
  • You will get what you deserve. Focus on deserving. - Alok Kejriwal
  • Never be intimidated by someone who copies you. Original is always better. @bxjvq 
  • Every view is important, pull as many as you can. Fight for it, Spread the world, do whatever it takes. - Gaurang Aggarwal
  • Have "Fuck it, I will figure things out attitude" which would ensure success in everything that you do.

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