Work Ethics, Work Culture & Co-Workers


When you are on path of entpreneurship, you will keep on experiencing new things everyday, perhaps everyhour. These experiences will build you stronger.

Following are mine:
- working with amateurs ( can kill you, mentally disturb you )
— co-worker would write an email like - “ hi, this needs to be published”.
--- having no idea about business email etiquettes they would write anything expecting that their message is clear and so is their english.
— co-worker would send 10 different tasks in 10 separate email and expects to get replied to each of them individually.

Most of the employees are busy shopping on e-Commerce Websites, Share Trading. Perhaps because the work isn’t engaging enough to keep them occupied in their work.
That's why even the team of highly focused 55 individually creates a multi-Billion Dollar company and rest of the workforce struggles to make a dime. The great disparity between their revenue per employee is the sign that highly focused and passionate employees should be hired, nurtured and others should be fired ( gracefully ) to save the times of both parties.

I certainly will not want that kind of work culture in my organization,

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