Recommendations for Social Media Image sizes - 2021 Edition

Social media platform keeps on changing the optimal media sizes for their platforms and it is prudent for social media marketers to stay updated with the changes. I have been researching the optimal asset sizes for my social media accounts, sharing the research with you all. I will be including the assets and the live posts to compare and test the results by yourself should you need to do it.

Images - Images are perhaps the most important media types for social media accounts and are very popular among all social media platforms, be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. Therefore, it is important to know the most optimal media sizes to be used for marketing collaterals on your corporate accounts.

Twitter Images Size Guide for 2021

Starting with the micro-blogging platform, it mainly supports rectangular assets as in the timeline, that format works best. Surely you can click on the asset to expand it and see the actual shape, which can be square too. Nonetheless, most of the viewers don’t care to click on the asset and therefore, we need to use the asset that the viewers can glance onto, and decide if they want to explore it more or not. Making the job easier for the audience is the main job of marketers after all.
Photos can be up to 5MB; animated GIFs can be up to 5MB on mobile, and up to 15MB on the web.
Supported File Formats: GIF, JPEG, and PNG files.
Recommended Resolution - 1920x1080px 
The reason being, the entire image can be glanced upon completely while scrolling through the timeline, in all other cases, the image will be cropped and the viewer must click on the image to be able to see it fully.

Twitter crops in the part which is text-intensive and have a higher density as compared to other parts of the image - 1920x1280px

Twitter crops in the part which is text-intensive and have a higher density as compared to other parts of the image - 1000x1000px

In-stream previews of the above tweets are: 


As you can observe, when tweets are embedded, they show the full size of the asset but in-stream or in the timeline, Twitter just crops out major part of the image. 

Facebook's Social Media Image Sizes

Facebook is one of the major social media platforms and the largest one of all. Therefore, it is important to get the image sizes right for the platform. 




Digital Marketing
Marketing Type: 
Social Media Marketing

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